사위 사랑은 장모

사위 사랑은 장모 película completa online. Mi-yeon sends her husband away and has been living by herself for 10 years. His divorced son-in-law, Hyun-seong, frequently visits her at home. One day, as they were drinking together, Hyung-seong falls asleep and dreams of making love with her mother-in-law. The next day, he calls his friend Jun-tae. However, his friend is having a wonderful time with his lover, so his loneliness only goes further. When he found himself going back to Mi-yeon’s house again, he told her his dream and Mi-yeon wants to make that dream a reality.

País: South Korea

Duración: 61 min.

Calidad: HD

Liberar: 2020

imdb rating 6