식모: 아내의 친구

식모: 아내의 친구 película completa online. Mi-jeong works in a company and she's an elegant and formal elite career woman. Hyeon-seok, her husband, is proud of her and loves her, but he's submissive to her at night, so some times he flinches when she even steps close to him. Hyeon-seok is close to his little brother, Hyeon-soo, and they start a useless talk about the housekeeper that moves in with them. Then one day the housekeeper, Se-hee, tells him to 'keep the secret or make up a secret...' and he falls into confusion and indecisiveness. Hyeon-seok and Hyeon-soo don't dream for a second that his wife has plans up her sleeve and they end up in a very strange situation...

País: South Korea

Duración: 80 min.

Calidad: HD

Liberar: 2019

imdb rating 10