הקבוצה של אלכס

הקבוצה של אלכס película completa online. Four women and four men who make up a mosaic of Israeli society, meet for a therapeutic photography group led by Israel Prize winning photographer Alex Liebek for a year. Each and every one of the group's participants is related in one way or another to post-trauma. It has a mother of a post-traumatic, a wife of, a child of, a woman who served as an observer, and four men of various ages, some of whom are not diagnosed or recognized as post-traumatic. From Liebek's iconic photos and from photos that the participants bring themselves, an intuitive and authentic discourse develops about post-trauma as a social phenomenon that has penetrated every home in Israel, about audio-visual images as shapers of consciousness and also about the way to grow from trauma through sharing, recognition, creation, humanity and compassion.

Género: Documental, Animación


Director: Yonatan Nir

País: Israel

Duración: 60 min.

Calidad: HD

Liberar: 2023

imdb rating 6