
Tam idan hatmimut

Tam idan hatmimut película completa online. Ruth, a housewife in a suburb of Jerusalem, divided into two parts, appears as pliable as Play-Doh. While she should be taking care of her ten-year-old daughter and the household, her routine is falling apart and she is falling further into depression. Israel is just before the outbreak of the Six-Day War in 1967. The historical events echo in the lives of the characters only from a great distance. The female characters within the family wage a more important battle for their own identity. The director intentionally chose the parallel stories of three female protagonists: ten-year-old Michal who is just starting to acknowledge her sexuality, a single university student and Ruth, a trapped housewife.

País: Israel

Duración: 104 min.

Calidad: HD

Liberar: 2013

imdb rating 6.8